COVID-19 Portal Update

13 Jan 2021

Note: This update is also available as a newsletter. You can sign up for the latest resources relevant to humanitarian COVID-19 responses here.

In this update, we're highlighting resources on the Ebola response which can hold relevance to responding to other pandemics.

ALNAP has launched its latest lessons paper Responding to Ebola epidemics which provides 18 lessons for humanitarian practitioners.

The lessons cover 4 main areas:

  1. Healthcare, WASH & body management
  2. Context, communication & community management
  3. Ebola's effects on healthcare, mental health, protection, education and livelihoods
  4. Coordination and funding

Over the past two years, the Democratic Republic of the Congo has worked to contain its tenth and largest Ebola epidemic. This Congo Research Group group report, the first of three focusing on the epidemic, examines the public health aspects of the response—particularly the creation of a parallel health system funded by international donors. 

You can contribute with your own resources by submitting them through the portal or by e-mailing resources [at] alnap [dot] org.

Portal update | 14 Sep

The nature of the COVID-19 crisis has highlighted the importance of national and local actors in responding effectively to the pandemic. However, the question is whether this increased focus can lead to systemic change in the humanitarian sector. This week's newsletter shares 3 resources looking at the importance of localisation in responding to COVID-19 and the challenges local actors face. You can also find upcoming events and other recent resources.

This briefing note by the Humanitarian Policy Group looks at the early implications of COVID-19 for driving systemic change towards more local humanitarian action and leadership, and more complementarity between international and local actors. It outlines the challenges to increasing localisation and how the pandemic can be turned into an opportunity for overdue systematic change.

As part of Groupe URD's COVID-19 Observatory, this briefing note looks at how local solutions have come to light during the crisis and why they should lead to reflection and rethinking of existing aid models. The brief particularly calls on donors to provide flexible and long-term financial support in order to increase the influence of local organisations.

This paper provides a snapshot of the Covid-19 response to date in terms of access to funding, partnerships and decision-making for women-led organisations (WLO) and women's right organisations (WROs). Authored by a number of INGOs partnered with local and national WLO/WROs, the paper provides a series of recommendations for how to increase political and financial support for WLOs and WROs.

Portal Update | Week of 11 May

This week, ALNAP launched the COVID-19 Rapid Learning Review in a webinar co-hosted with CERAH and LSHTM. A key webinar takeaway was the importance of localisation, which IRC’s featured ‘One Size Does Not Fit All’ report on COVID-19 mitigation in humanitarian contexts emphasises, too.

Also featured in our portal is the rapid learning review by the George Institute for Global Health for frontline health workers based on studies in 14 countries. Responses continuously improve with experiences from a range of geographical locations, and this week we are also highlighting the extensive lessons learned paper by the government of Republic of Korea, as well as the COVID-19 report by the Partnership for Evidence-Based Response to COVID-19 (PERC) based on surveys across the African Union.

Finally, we would like to highlight recent work on gender, namely Rapid Gender Analysis by CARE for East, Central & Southern Africa and ISCG Gender Hub for Cox’s Bazar, as well as the guidance note by the Women’s Refugee Comission on gender-based violence.

Please continue to share your COVID-19 resources through the portal link or by emailing resources [at] alnap [dot] org.

Portal update | 7 Sep

Nearly 6 months have passed since the WHO declared COVID-19 a pandemic, and the spread has had significant repercussions in the humanitarian sector. This week, we're sharing resources that reflect upon the humanitarian response and provide holistic guidance going forward. You can also find upcoming events and other recent resources as usual.

Accompanying the Global Humanitarian Assistance Report 2020, Development Initiatives hosted this webinar to discuss humanitarian support to the COVID-19 response. Following a presentation of relevant findings from the report, a panel from across the sector discuss their perspectives on COVID-19 financing and the wider implications for crisis financing.

Following the Global Humanitarian Response Plan from late March, UN OCHA has published a progress report summarising the collective response to the humanitarian impacts of COVID-19 in the 63 countries covered by the response plan. The progress report provides updates on the operational context and the necessary programme adjustments, as well as on funding, sectors, strategic priorities and more.

WHO has developed a guidance document to guide countries to conduct periodic review(s) of their national and subnational COVID-19 response. The guidance document outlines the purpose, scope and approach to conduct the reviews.

Portal Update | Week of 4 May

While ALNAP prepares for the webinar launch of the COVID-19 Rapid Learning Review on 12 May, the portal continues to expand and now totals more than 750 humanitarian resources.

Another webinar worth highlighting is the Better Than Cash Alliance & UNCDF webinar on Responsible digital payments during COVID-19 on 13 May, which will draw on insights from Jordan, Peru and Ghana.

A previous webinar on COVID-19 vulnerability amongst displaced populations and migrants has fed into a brief by UNDRR, ICVA and IOM, which provides important policy guidance and recommendations in those contexts.

The importance of local settings is also at the core of the Risk Community and Community Engagement (RCCE) strategy by IFRC, UNICEF and WHO as well as the interim guidance on public health and social measures by IASC, which provides important recommendations for COVID-19 preparedness in low capacity and humanitarian settings, as well as informal urban settlements.

Remember that you can continue to share your resources with us through the portal link or by emailing resources [at] alnap [dot] org.

Portal update | 1 Sep

Cities are the epicentre of the pandemic, because of which it is crucial that the complexities of urban areas are taken into account in humanitarian responses. Informal settlements in particular have vulnerabilities that invoke significant risk during COVID-19. This week, we've highlighted three key resources on urban response under COVID-19, and you can also find a list of upcoming COVID-19 related webinars and recent resources.

This policy brief by World Vision outlines the risks of COVID-19 to children in urban contexts due to the challenges of protecting against the virus in urban slums, informal settlements and low-income neighbourhoods. Children suffer disproportionately from the difficult living conditions in these spaces, and World Vision has outlined recommendations in this brief for national and local governments, UN agencies, NGOs and donors to best mitigate these risks.

This paper highlights the major challenges and considerations for addressing COVID-19 in informal settlements. It discusses vulnerabilities in a number of different areas and potential health impacts in such settings and looks at how to support local actions and strategy to ensure that responses to COVID-19 do not repeat historical mistakes of stigmatising informal settlements and their residents.

The United Nations has produced a policy brief looking at the challenges in urban areas during the COVID-19 pandemic. Cities are the epicentre of the pandemic, and it is crucial that conscious policy choices are made to ensure that they navigate through the crisis efficiently. This brief provides a set of recommendations touching upon inequalities, local capacities, a green inclusive recovery and more.

Portal Update | Week of 27 April

As ALNAP publishes a Rapid Learning Review to guide humanitarian actors in their preparedness and response to COVID-19, our portal continues to add relevant resources from across the humanitarian system. This includes the Sphere standards guidance on COVID-19 and guidance on the role of Cash and Voucher Assistance to reduce financial barriers in the response to the COVID-19 pandemic. 

We’d particularly like to highlight the high number of context-specific guidance and analysis on COVID-19 that is now appearing on the portal, including from Syria, Lebanon, the Philippines and the Democratic Republic of Congo. Getting learning and resources that are specific to a particular country or context is extremely important, and we encourage users of the portal to use the search function to filter for resources that will be most relevant for their context.

Please continue to share your resources with us through the portal link, or by emailing resources [at] alnap [dot] org.

Portal Update | Week of 24 Aug

COVID-19 is threatening the food security of millions of people around the world. Global supply chains have been disrupted, and coupled with income losses, access to food has become an even bigger challenge during the pandemic. You can find 3 resources identifying food security, agriculture and nutrition issues in this week's newsletter. 

This UN policy brief on the impact of COVID-19 on food security and nutrition emphasises how the pandemic has exacerbated existing food security issues for hundreds of millions of people who were already suffering from hunger and malnutrition. The brief suggests three sets of actions to address the immediate, near- and medium-term needs to protect people during and beyond the crisis, and to ultimately reshape and build resilient food systems.

Groupe URD's COVID Observatory has released this briefing note on agriculture and food security during COVID-19. It analyses key issues behind the growing threat on food security, and presents proposals for action on agricultural reform, strengthening supply chains and providing financial assistance.

The International Food Policy Research Institute has compiled a selection of blog entries from their extensive COVID-19 blog series which serves to provide key insights and analysis on how the pandemic affects global poverty and food security. The entries range in focus from labour restrictions and remittances to gendered impacts, and constitutes a great source of insights on COVID-19 and food security.

Portal Update | Week of 6 April

The ALNAP resource portal on learning & evidence for COVID-19 preparedness and response continues to grow.  This week we added more than 30 new resources, including guidance from WFP on targeting, and a new paper from Groupe URD synthesising their learning from epidemic responses. We have also featured the latest dashboard set up by UN OCHA’s Center for Humanitarian Data, which tracks the spread of COVID-19 in humanitarian settings.

Early and strong communication with communities is critical to successful epidemic response, and we do recommend looking at the resources compiled by the IASC Results Group 2 on AAP and communicating with communities, and those managed by the CDAC network. All resources on both pages are also included in our library.

Remember you can use our portal to search for or filter for specific topics. And please continue to share your resources with us through the portal, or by emailing resources [at] alnap [dot] org

Portal Update | Week of 17 Aug

The pandemic has exacerbated the vulnerability and marginalisation of people with disabilities, making it critical that they are not left behind in COVID-19 humanitarian response and recovery. This week's newsletter includes 3 recent resources that provide clear recommendations for humanitarian actors to ensure disability-inclusive action is taken.

UN's policy brief on a disability-inclusive response to COVID-19 highlights the pandemic's impact on people with disabilities on a global scale across a variety of sectors. By doing so, they manage to pinpoint the actions needed on a sectoral level to make the response inclusive and examine how this contributes towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.

Handicap International has collected and reviewed evidence in this study to illustrate how COVID-19 triggers disproportionate risks and barriers for people with disabilities. The study draws on data and testimonies from a plethora of different humanitarian settings which provides the foundation for a clear set of recommendations to all humanitarian actors in their actions.

OCHA has written an article emphasising the importance of supporting people with disabilities and provides guidance in 6 steps for humanitarian actors

Portal Update | Week of 10 Aug

The Cash Learning Partnership (CaLP) has released their State of the World's Cash report, which examines progress, changes, and challenges in the use of cash and voucher assistance. The report provides an analysis on the impacts and implications of COVID-19, emphasising that the response to the crisis can provide an opportunity to positively redefine the humanitarian system and address cash coordination challenges.

In this report, the International Rescue Committee (IRC) estimates that US$1.7 billion in additional humanitarian cash transfers is needed to prevent hunger and hardship in 2020 because of the COVID-19 triggered economic downturn. IRC calls for urgent cash mobilisation and emphasises the short window for collective action that humanitarian actors face.

On the country level, this study of Pakistan's Ehsaas emergency cash programme by the Center for Global Development looks at some of the difficulties in delivering cash schemes. In the Pakistan context, there are significant gender gaps in financial and digital inclusion as a result of access to bank accounts, mobile phones and national IDs.

You can contribute with your own resources by submitting them through the portal or by e-mailing resources [at] alnap [dot] org.

Portal Update | Week of 3 Aug

Women and girls face specific risks during a crisis due to gender role expectations and sexual violence. The humanitarian response to COVID-19 must take steps to prevent and mitigate gender based violence. This week, we highlight resources that can help with this, as well as two upcoming COVID-19 webinars.

UN Women has released a briefing note that presents the emerging evidence of the impact of COVID-19 on violence against women and girls. The brief sets out recommendations for all sectors of society, from governments and multilateral institutions to civil society organisations, private companies, and donors.

A United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) document provides practical guidance to support frontline gender-based violence (GBV) service providers. As the COVID-19 pandemic is seen to have a negative impact on GBV trends, the guidance note provides useful and concrete steps to be taken.

CARE has published a paper which analyses gender implications of the COVID-19 pandemic in development and humanitarian settings across a range of sectors. The paper also provides specific recommendations to health service delivery actors, development and humanitarian organisations, national governments and donors to ensure that gender implications are considered in COVID-19 responses.

In upcoming events, The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the World Health Organization (WHO), IPC professional societies and Project ECHO have been hosting a weekly webinar series for infection prevention and control (IPC) in healthcare settings. This upcoming webinar will be the last in the series. Recordings of previous webinars can be found here.

The Harvard Humanitarian Initiative is running an on-going webinar series to look at how we can continue to build resilience in urban environments during an era of pandemic, climate emergency and rapid urbanisation. An upcoming webinar will look at the scale of corruption in fuelling disasters, and what realistically can be done to make a difference, especially to those most vulnerable in towns and cities.

Portal Update | Week of 27 July

COVID-19 disproportionally affects marginalised populations. This week we’re highlighting resources that outline some of the repercussions for migrants and IDPs, and you can also find two upcoming webinars on COVID-19 and refugees as well as resilience in urban environments.

Groupe URD has released a briefing note to address the current and future impacts of COVID-19 on uprooted populations. The note looks at the direct impact on migration dynamics and acute crises as a result of restricted mobility, as well as certain side effects on the economy, food security and increased inequality.

UNHCR and the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research have published a briefing document to highlight the linkages between COVID-19, Displacement and Climate Change. The document sets out the risks and three specific lessons to apply to the COVID-19 response.

Armed conflict in 19 countries has displaced at least 661,000 people between 23 March and 25 May 2020. The NRC has produced a report which shows the heightened risks from the intersection of conflict and COVID-19 by detailing seven country case studies and providing concrete recommendations to aid the humanitarian response in those areas.

In upcoming events, the International Vaccine Access Center and the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health will host a webinar to discuss how to respond to the impact of COVID-19 on refugees. As refugee camps are home to concentrated groups of people with limited access to health services, the spread of disease is easy but the delivery of treatments difficult. This webinar will look at the necessary response to overcome these challenges.

The Harvard Humanitarian Initiative is running an on-going webinar series to look at how we can continue to build resilience in urban environments during an era of pandemic, climate emergency and rapid urbanisation. An upcoming webinar will look at the scale of corruption in fuelling disasters, and what realistically can be done to make a difference, especially to those most vulnerable in towns and cities.

Portal Update | Week of 20 July

One of many devastating consequences of the pandemic is the exacerbation of the vulnerable conditions children face across the world. This week, you can find recent resources from our COVID-19 response portal that address the effects of the pandemic on children, as well as two upcoming webinars on responding to disasters during a pandemic and on COVID-19 response financing.

World Vision has conducted rapid assessments in 24 countries across Latin America, Sub-Saharan Africa and Asia to inform this report on the socio-economic fallout of the COVID-19 Pandemic. The findings confirm alarming predictions of increased child hunger, violence, and poverty due to the economic impact of COVID-19, and provides urgent recommendations for governments, UN agencies, donors and NGOs alike.

In this technical note published by The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action, End Violence Against Children, UNICEF and WHO, issues faced by children during the pandemic are explored through reports from the field. The note also proposes a set of actions to prevent violence, abuse and neglect of children while emphasising the need for contextual considerations. In addition to the paper, you can also find the accompanying launch webinar here.

Cities are on the frontline of the COVID-19 Pandemic. And children suffer disproportionally from the impacts of measures taken in response to COVID-19. World Vision has produced a policy brief that outlines the specific risks children face in urban contexts and provides separate recommendations for national and local governments, UN agencies, NGOs and donors.

Portal Update | Week of 29 June

As we’ve seen through the wealth of resources relating to COVID-19 response, the pandemic has exacerbated a number of existing challenges. This week, we’re highlighting 3 resources that address violence against vulnerable groups.

World Vision has released a brief that contains evidence of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on violence against women and girls (VAWG). It advocates specific measures to prevent and respond to VAWG, both during current lockdown circumstances and long-term.

Joining Forces, a coalition of six child rights organisations, calls for child protection to be prioritised in the response to COVID-19 in this policy brief. They emphasise the urgency of the situation as support and prevention services have been restricted due to the current pandemic.

Violence against health care is another issue that needs to be understood and addressed, which was the topic of this recent webinar hosted by the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. Selected panellists drew from their experiences to discuss the issue and propose solutions for keeping health workers safe.

In upcoming events, IMPACT Initiatives is hosting a webinar on leveraging market monitoring and analysis systems to identify the impact of COVID-19 on acutely food insecure populations. It takes place on 6 July, 3 PM GMT.

Meanwhile, UNDRR is hosting two webinars this upcoming week on the resilience of cities during the COVID-19 pandemic and the role of parliaments in reducing the risks of disasters, respectively.

Portal update | 2 Dec

Urban areas have been epicentres of COVID-19 and continue to be important areas of focus for humanitarian response. This edition of ALNAP's COVID-19 learning updates shares an upcoming webinar and two key resources recently released on urban response and COVID-19.

The Geneva Cities Hub is hosting a webinar on 3 December to consider opportunities and challenges for urban health and well-being with speakers from a number of cities included.

The World Cities Report from UN Habitat looks at the value of sustainable urbanisation in the midst of a COVID-19 pandemic which has put urban areas at the centre of the crisis. The report provides policy and evidence analysis to show that resilient cities can be built to bounce back from the pandemic and leveraged in the fight against poverty, inequality, unemployment, climate change and other pressing global challenges.

This annual flagship report by the Mixed Migration Centre looks at cities as the urban frontlines of displacement and mobility. The COVID-19 crisis has affected mobility and mixed migration in a variety of ways, having functioned both as a driver of mixed migration and leading to a standstill in mixed migration elsewhere.

Portal Update | Week of 22 June

Understanding the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on children is important in a crisis otherwise shaped by health messages about the risk for older people. You can find three relevant resources highlighted below.

The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action has released a technical note to support child protection practitioners and policy makers. The note outlines children’s specific protection needs during COVID-19 and possible response and recovery options.

The Compact for Young People in Humanitarian Action has also produced a guidance note to assist humanitarian actors. The note emphasises the importance of understanding the impact on young people, particularly young refugees, asylum seekers, IDPs and migrants.

Core Group has produced a broad guide on home-based care with specific recommendations for nonprofits, Red Cross Red Crescent network and community organizations who are designing programs and materials in response to COVID-19 in low- and middle-income countries. One of the focus areas of the guide is how to care for children during the pandemic.

In upcoming events, the IFRC is hosting a webinar this Friday 26 June on how to rethink urban community risk reduction and resilience while responding to COVID-19. The speakers will draw from experience in their national Red Crescent societies.

On the same day, the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR) will look at community-based disaster risk reduction approaches with speakers from civil society organisations from different geographical contexts.

Portal update | 20 Oct

The pandemic has had a strong impact on the health and well-being of children and youth, particularly due to the economic shock that increases risk of child poverty. This week we share two recently published resources relating to the health and welfare of children and youth during COVID-19.

Save the Children calls for Universal Child Benefits (UCB) in this new report as a response to the economic shock of COVID-19. Though many countries face fiscal pressures, the report provides examples of how to establish steps towards UCBs. You can find both the report and short summary below.

This report from the WHO and UNICEF looks at the progress made in improving the health of the world’s women, children and adolescents following the launch fo the Every Woman Every Child movement 10 years ago. It looks specifically at the direct and indirect implications and what needs to be addressed to ensure further progress.

Portal Update | Week of 15 June

Local responders play a critical role during COVID-19 given their ability to act fast and maintain delivery while travel restrictions exist. This week, we’re highlighting resources relating to localisation.

The Humanitarian Policy Group (HPG) at the Overseas Development Institute (ODI) recently launched their report calling for local humanitarian action with a webinar discussing the impact of COVID-19 on localisation. Does COVID-19 present an opportunity for a reset of the humanitarian system or are things business as usual?

The Inter Agency Standing Committee (IASC) has released interim guidance with IFRC and UNICEF on how the humanitarian sector can adapt its delivery modalities in response to COVID-19 consistent with existing commitments on localisation of aid. The guidance particularly looks into responsible partnership practices between international organisations and local actors.

The Local Engagement Refugee Research Network (LERRN) has published a paper that looks into the specific context of Tanzania for localisation. It outlines the opportunities and challenges for localisation initiatives and provides specific recommendations, many of which are applicable to promoting further localisation in other contexts as well.

In upcoming events, the Grand Bargain Localisation Workstream is hosting a webinar on localisation in the context of COVID-19. The pandemic’s implications have made the existing international commitments on localisation, particularly those in the Grand Bargain, much more urgent. The webinar will look at how we can walk the talk on objectives to increase localisation.

ODI is looking at the adolescent refugee challenges under COVID-19 amidst concerns that the pandemic response will leave many adolescent refugees behind. Drawing on real-time interviews, the panellists will examine age- and gender specific vulnerabilities.

Portal update | 12 Oct

The mental toll on people living through disasters, conflicts and emergencies has been exacerbated during the pandemic and requires consideration in humanitarian response. This week's newsletter shares two resources published in the last week on mental health and psychosocial support as well as a new portal focusing on inclusion.

“The Greatest Need Was to Be Listened to”. This report by the ICRC and IFRC looks at the psychological implications of the pandemic due to both the worries and fears of the virus as well as the consequences following from lockdown measures.

This InterAction report provides insight into the challenges emerging from increased societal stigma around COVID-19. It examines some of the key areas of increased stigmatisation and a clear set of recommendations for different humanitarian actors.

IASC RG2 with ALNAP has launched a new portal on AAP, PSEA and Inclusion. The portal is designed as a go-to place for practitioners working on accountability and inclusion, and also includes some of the latest relevant COVID-19 related resources.

Portal Update | Week of 8 June

COVID-19 disproportionally affects marginalised populations. This week we’re highlighting resources that outline some of the repercussions for migrants and IDPs.

Armed conflict in 19 countries has displaced at least 661,000 people between 23 March and 25 May 2020. The NRC has produced a report which shows the heightened risks for conflict-affected people also now faced with COVID-19 in seven  country case studies.

The Compact for Young People in Humanitarian Action has produced a guidance note to assist humanitarian actors, youth-led organisations and young people themselves. The note explores the impact of COVID-19 on young peopleparticularly young refugees, asylum seekers, IDPs and migrants. It oulines how COVID-19 responses can ensure they are are relevant to youth, and involve the participation and capacities of young people. It calls for adequate resources and data to be made available on how COVID-19 is affecting young people.

IOM has produced a toolkit  with practical tools for integrating migration into COVID-19 focused development programmes. It outlines the entry points for integrating migration and provides tools for development actors to use throughout the design, implementation and monitoring of socio-economic development programmes.

In upcoming events, ODI is hosting a webinar which looks at the responses of armed groups to the pandemic, from the Taliban to gangs in Rio de Janeiro, and the implications that their responses have for humanitarian responses, peacebuilding efforts and development aid.

Portal update | 5 Oct
Portal Update | Week of 1 June

This week, we’re highlighting learning resources with clear recommendations for actors in the humanitarian sector as well as two reports on the far-reaching impact of COVID-19.

OCHA’s Centre for Humanitarian Data has prepared a training for visualising COVID-19 data to help organisations communicate their data clearly while accounting for the uncertainty inherent in the pandemic.

Engaging with communities in low-resource settings is another challenge amplified during COVID-19, and the GOARN guidance document led by IFRC, UNICEF and WHO provides clear recommendations on how to address this.

The importance of continued engagement is emphasised in Street Child’s report on needs and gaps in provision for marginalised populations. By collecting data from more than 12,000 respondents with 50 national partners, it establishes clear evidence for how the crisis exacerbates existing needs.

Another comprehensive report worth highlighting is the recent report by the Committee for the Coordination of Statistical Activities (CCSA) which outlines the pandemic’s consequences across a wide range of areas through a statistical lens.

In upcoming events, UNDRR is hosting a plethora of webinars on COVID-19, the following of which will look at COVID-19’s impact on the sustainable development goals (10 June).

Remember that you can find upcoming webinars on our events page and please continue to submit your resources through the portal link or by emailing resources [at] alnap [dot] org.

Portal update | 28 Sep

COVID-19 increases the vulnerability of people living in areas impacted by the adverse effects of climate change. As climate change makes disasters more likely, it is imperative to understand the challenges brought on by the pandemic and consider any necessary adaptations to humanitarian disaster preparedness and response measures. This week, we're sharing a key brief and two examples of climate disasters during COVID-19, as well as two upcoming events.

This brief by UNHCR and the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research highlights the linkages between COVID-19, displacement and climate change. It presents key facts and an overview of key compound risks as a consequence of these linkages.

The United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) has published a study looking at the cascading risks from climate extremes and COVID-19 in South Asia. The study outlines specific cascading risks across the region and shares three key messages for making sure that the most vulnerable are protected during the pandemic.

Bangladesh has been devastated with one of the worst and longest-lasting flooding in recent years, and this report by the Flood Resilience Alliance looks at the latest situation in vulnerable communities.  Through remote online discussions, the report produces findings that show the necessity of improved support as cases of COVID-19 rise simultaneously.

Portal Update | Week of 25 May

The COVID-19 pandemic has had repercussions across the humanitarian sector which the number of new relevant learning resources reflects.

Oxfam’s recent report calling for a global ceasefire is a good example of the many repercussions by showing how several existing needs are exacerbated during the pandemic and stressed the importance of a global ceasefire.

The UN has focused on the impact on older persons in a new policy brief which outlines policy and programmatic responses needed to protect older people.

Meanwhile, the Harvard Humanitarian Initiative has announced an urban webinar series addressing the repercussions of COVID-19 and the need to build resilient cities in the face of the pandemic.

Portal update | 21 Sep

With country borders across the globe tightening up and limiting mobility, COVID-19 has had a significant impact on vulnerable migrants, refugees and asylum seekers. The impact means responses must consider how to ensure the safety of these populations. This week, we are sharing three recent resources that look at the effects of the pandemic on migrants and refugees in different parts of the world, and provide insight into how humanitarian organisations and governments alike can adapt to increase protection.

This IFRC report looks to answer fundamental questions about the safety of migrants during COVID-19 and calls for inclusive action to improve protection. Several barriers to their safety are identified and a particularly reoccurring challenge is the way in which national responses and legal frameworks exclude migrants and therefore increase risk during a time of heightened uncertainty. 

The Organization of American States has released a report detailing the current situation of Venezuelans who have returned and are trying to return in the context of COVID-19. The pandemic has resulted in a significant number of Venezuelans returning to their country, with Colombia and Brazil setting up humanitarian corridors to facilitate returns, but the criminalisation of those returnees has aggravated existing vulnerabilities and made the importance of action greater.

Efforts to curb the spread of COVID-19 has impacted migrants along the Central Mediterranean Route on different levels. This report by IMREF under DFID looks at the challenges faced by migrants through a mixture of desk reviews, surveys and interviews with stranded migrants and key informants. Through those data sources, the report clearly outlines changes to mobility patterns, vulnerabilities and access to health and protection services.

Portal Update | Week of 18 May

This week, ALNAP has made the recording of the COVID-19 paper launch webinar available. However, we are by no means alone in hosting webinars that enable humanitarian learning.

Particularly worth highlighting in the upcoming week is the LSHTM-Charité Global Health Lecture on resilience in the COVID-19 crisis, as well as the on-going public seminar series by the Oxford Refugee Centre which will turn its attention to philanthropic support for refugee-led initiatives during COVID-19. You can find those and more webinars in our events section.

An area deserving of attention during the pandemic is psychosocial support, for which we see an increasing number of useful resources. Among those are WHO’s short brief on important considerations during COVID-19, IFRC’s webinar on psychosocial support during COVID-19 quarantine with experiences from multiple national Red Cross societies, and the recent Johns Hopkins webinar on how MHPSS issues in pandemic settings can be addressed.

Remember that you can share your COVID-19 resources through the portal link or by emailing resources [at] alnap [dot] org.