Local Recovery and Preparedness for the Pandemic

Publication language
Date published
30 Jun 2023
Disaster preparedness, Response and recovery, Climate Action (SDG)
Use in Humanitarian Programme Cycle

This issue of Southasiadisasters.net is titled ‘Local Recovery and Preparedness for the Pandemic’. It brings together policy experts, researchers and practitioners from diverse fields to deliberate on the trajectory of local-level recovery and preparedness aspects. The focus is on highlighting the needs and the best practices on local-level recovery and preparedness from the global south. The overall objective of this issue is to facilitate knowledge and skills on recovery aspects associated with the COVID-19 pandemic at the local level and amplify the local voices on their lived experiences during the pandemic. This issue is also an attempt to co-create transformative pathways towards pandemic recovery and preparedness at the local level.

This issue's contents include:

  1. Local Recovery and Preparedness for the Pandemic: Agenda from Affected Population
  2. Key Health Agenda for the Pandemic Preparedness
  3. The Pandemic Preparedness: Role of Climate Change Department
  4. Cotton Farmers: Recovery from the Pandemic and Adapting Sustainable Practices
  5. Education and Pandemic Preparedness
  6. Tribute Ms. Prema Gopalan
  7. Role of Panchayats in Pandemic Preparedness, and
  8. Role of Janpath in Local Pandemic Preparedness