Without recognition, without assistance: Refugee-led responses in urban contexts

13 May 2020
17:00 - 18:30, GMT+1 – BST

Without recognition, without assistance: Refugee-led responses in urban contexts

Bahati Ghislain – Executive Director, Kintsugi (Nairobi)

Robert Hakiza – Executive Director, Young African Refugees for Integral Development (Kampala)

Janemary Ruhundwa – Executive Director, Dignity Kwanza (Dar es Salaam)

What is distinct about urban-based refugee-led responses to humanitarian crises? And how are grassroots organisations in cities mobilising to address vulnerabilities associated with Covid-19? In this panel, three speakers in East Africa will share what they and their organisations are doing to support refugees in Kampala, Nairobi, and Dar es Salaam. Conversation will explore "what has worked" and "what hasn't" in each of these settings, with a focus on identifying how other actors can use their authority, resources, and networks to support local efforts. The seminar will last approximately 90 minutes, with half the time allocated to Q&A.'

This is part of the Refugee Studies Centre public seminar series #ByRefugees: Strengthening refugee-led humanitarian response during the Covid-19 pandemic. See more info here:
