UNICEF Global COVID-19 Situation Report No. 12: September 2020

Publication language
Date published
02 Oct 2020
Research, reports and studies
Children & youth, Development & humanitarian aid, COVID-19, Epidemics & pandemics, Gender, humanitarian action

The COVID-19 pandemic has fuelled an unprecedented global crisis that has reversed some development gains for children.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, more than 1.3 billion children have lost access to in-person education following physical distancing requirements, and with it, the school meals that provided a key source of nutrition. Children and women have lost access to critical health, nutrition, water and sanitation, and protection services due to quarantine requirements and the diversion of critical resources from the social sectors that are needed most.

Throughout the crisis, UNICEF has adapted systems and ensured the continuity of its operations to deliver results for children. Access to, and the use of, flexible funds has been critical for UNICEF in steering much needed resources to the most critical parts of the COVID-19 response and providing effective support to communities and local partners where it is needed most. This special report showcases how flexible funds have been used in the field.