MSF Supported Research on Ebola

Publication language
Date published
23 Mar 2016
Research, reports and studies
Disasters, Epidemics & pandemics, Health, Response and recovery
Liberia, Sierra Leone, Guinea

The type of research MSF was involved in varied. Some research used routine patient data that was collected in the ETC’s as part of standard care to answer questions such
as which factors increased a patient’s chances of survival? Other research required the collection of very specific information in order to assess for example if a trial vaccine prevented new cases of Ebola. Anthropological research required going out into the communities and asking people what they thought of Ebola and the efforts to control it. 

MSF carried out research in a number of areas including epidemiology (describing the disease and its spread), vulnerable patient groups, clinical trials for new treatments, community views of Ebola, operational issues and effects of the outbreak on general healthcare. These areas of research closely reflect the six pillars of Ebola control mentioned earlier. This document aims to summarise the key findings of this research, and identify lessons learnt and knowledge gaps.