Final internal evaluation of the” The UN COVID-19 Response and Recovery Multi-Partner Trust Fund” (UN COVID-19 MPTF)

Publication language
Date published
01 Nov 2021
Impact evaluation
COVID-19, Evaluation-related

This report presents the results of a final internal independent evaluation of the one year of UN COVID19 Response and Recovery Multi-Partner Trust Fund (UN COVID-19 MPTF). The project was planned to be implemented by IOM Guinea Bissau from May 2020 to April 2021 by the Guinea Bissau International Organization for Migration (IOM) and World Health Organization (WHO). The project implementation period was extended for 5 months (May 2021-September 2021) and it was a nocost extension.  The evaluation was carried out by Andre KAGWA, the Project Officer based in Togo. The evaluation was independent, as the evaluator was not involved in the design and implementation of the project.  The evaluation assessed questions across five criteria (relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact, and sustainability, as well as questions related to gender and human rights.  The purpose of the evaluation was to respond to the needs of three main evaluation users: IOM senior management and partner such as Government, WHO, NGOs, to assess the performance of the intervention and gather lessons learned; (b) to provide evidence and learning for future projects; and (c) the donor, UN COVID-19 MPTF.  The evaluation focuses on the period since May 2020, the commencement of the project implementation to September 2021, when the project implementation was finalized. However, the evaluator was not able to assess the results of the implementation partners due to the delays that affected the commencement of the activities on the side of the implementation partner (NADEL).