World Health Organization: Sierra Leone Annual Report | 2017

Publication language
Date published
01 Jan 2017
Research, reports and studies
Epidemics & pandemics, Health, Response and recovery
Sierra Leone

WHO Sierra Leone’s ‘Annual Report: A Year in Review’ documents major milestones, lessons and challenges from our work in the health sector in 2017, achieved following two years of intensive post-Ebola support to the Ministry of Health and Sanitation. Together with our government counterparts, colleagues and our valued partners, we have aimed to help restore and strengthen essential health services, rebuild people’s trust and confidence in the public health system, and better protect the population against health emergencies – be this Ebola, or any other critical health threat. Such efforts are bearing dividends. The health needs of the population are changing, but through sustained commitment and investments, the sector promises to be better placed to meet these challenges, today and in times to come.