UNHCR’s Approach to Evaluating the Covid-19 Response or Refugees and other Persons Of Concern

Bell, L., Rider Smith, D.
Publication language
Date published
01 Jan 2021
COVID-19, Evaluation-related

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, the response of States and the role of international cooperation and assistance will be subject to cross-cutting thematic and institutionally focused evaluations globally during 2021-22. The Global Evaluation Coalition, facilitated by OECD DAC Evaluation Network (EvalNet), brings together OECD members development assistance evaluation units, with those of partner countries and UN system organizations in an effort to reduce the evaluative footprint and harmonize evaluation and synthesis work where practical. Within the UN system, in addition to individual organizational COVID-19 response evaluations, three main COVID-19 response evaluations are planned: the Inter-Agency Humanitarian Evaluation (IAHE) of the Global Humanitarian Response Plan (GHRP) led by OCHA; an evaluation of the Response and Recovery Multi-Partner Trust Fund (MPTF) set up to support the UN Socio-Economic Framework for COVID-19, led by the UN Systemwide Evaluation Office under the Executive Office of the Secretary-General; and an evaluation of the WHO’s response to COVID-19, under and an independent panel for pandemic preparedness and response.