Program Prioritization and Adaptation in COVID-19 Times

Date published
15 Apr 2020
Audio-visual material
Epidemics & pandemics, Response and recovery, COVID-19
Johns Hopkins University, Ready Initiative

The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed many systemic deficiencies in outbreak preparedness and response capacities across the world, and has posed significant challenges to program implementation and service delivery.

Join Dr. Michelle Gayer, Emergency Health Director, IRC, and select panelists to discuss some of the challenges faced by humanitarian agencies and innovative ideas for program adaptation to circumvent these challenges.

Paul Spiegel, Professor and Director of Johns Hopkins Center for Humanitarian Health

Expert Speaker
Dr. Michelle Gayer, Emergency Health Director, International Rescue Committee (IRC)

Field Speakers
Muhammad Fawad, IRC Health Coordinator, Jordan
Darren Hertz, IRC Country Director, Thailand

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