Preparedness Guidelines for Nutrition in Emergency Coordination

Publication language
Date published
01 Oct 2019
Tools, guidelines and methodologies
Disaster preparedness, resilience and risk reduction, Food and nutrition
Global Nutrition Cluster

The GNC (Global Nutrition Cluster) has developed this guidance to help country level Nutrition Clusters, nutrition sector coordination and nutrition working groups, to strengthen collective preparedness toward effective protection of the nutritional status of populations. This guidance is based on existing guidelines and toolkits from IASC (Inter-Agency Standing Committee) and UNICEF and has been adapted to the specific needs and objectives of the Nutrition Clusters.

The guidance aims at:

  • Supporting countries to identify and profile risks (their likelihood and impact) that have implication on nutrition status of girls, boys, men and women.
  • Establishing minimum emergency preparedness measures for effective planning, coordination and implementation of NIE (nutrition in emergencies) interventions.
  • Outlining advanced preparedness actions and contingency planning should a risk of nutritional crisis become imminent.