Minimum quality standards and indicators in community engagement

Publication language
Date published
01 Mar 2020
Tools, guidelines and methodologies
COVID-19, Engaging with affected populations, humanitarian action

With the support of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, UNICEF C4D has developed ‘Minimum quality standards and indicators in community engagement’ to provide globally established guidance on the contribution of community engagement in development practice as well as humanitarian action. The objective of the standards is to support implementation of high quality, evidence-based community engagement at scale in development and humanitarian contexts. Modeled on the IASC Minimum Standards, these standards include 16 core minimum standards (see Table 1), with six core standards (principles) driving three key areas of application: Implementation, Coordination and Integration, and Resource Mobilization.  It also includes suggested indicators for governments, for implementing agencies (NGOs & CSOs); and tools (checklists and matrices) to support the localized development of indicators.