Fiche technique : Protection des enfants lors de la pandémie de coronavirus (V2)

Publication language
Date published
27 May 2020
The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action
Tools, guidelines and methodologies
Children & youth, Epidemics & pandemics, Protection, human rights & security, Protection, COVID-19

Aim of this brief: To support child protection practitioners and policy makers in putting the child’s safety and well-being at the centre of their COVID-19 pandemic response.

  • Part 1, structured around the CPMS, discusses children’s specific protection needs in the context of COVID-19 and highlights the secondary risks that result from the public health prevention and control measures put in place by governments. 
  • Part 2 outlines response and recovery options for those responding to CP issues in different sectors in line with the 2019 Minimum Standards for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action (CPMS) and the Guidance Note: Protection of Children During Infectious Disease Outbreaks. 
  • Part 3 contains links to the Annexes of this Technical Note.
  • Part 4 presents links to recommended resources relevant to COVID-19 including education in emergencies; mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS); and child-friendly materials. 
  • Part 5 includes a dedicated feedback form and a case study submission form.