Building Back Better? Taking Stock of the Post-Earthquake Mental Health and Psychosocial Response in Nepal

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Chase, L. , Marahatta, K. , Sidgel, K. , Shrestha, S. , Gautam, K. , Luitel, N. , Raj Dotel, B. & Samuel, R.
Publication language
Date published
01 Aug 2018
International Journal of Mental Health Systems
COVID-19, Epidemics & pandemics, Health, Psychosocial support, Social protection, Recovery and Resillience, Good health and well-being (SDG)
Evidence Aid, BMC

What is this? The COVID-19 pandemic is placing a strain on the mental health of many people. Existing research on mental health and psychosocial support following disasters might provide useful information for policy makers.

In this review, the authors searched for documents relating to the mental health and psychosocial response to the 2015 earthquake in Nepal and held focus group discussion with key stakeholders in mental health system development in Nepal. They did not restrict their searches by language of publication and did the search in June 2017. They included 47 documents and 10 governmental and non-governmental stakeholders took part in the focus groups in order to triangulate and extend the findings.

What was found: Major achievements towards re-establishing and improving the mental health system after the earthquake included training of primary care providers and psychosocial workers in affected districts; appointment of mental health focal points in the government and WHO Country office; adding 6 psychotropic drugs to the free drugs list; and revising mental health plans, policy, and financing mechanisms.

Chase, L. , Marahatta, K. , Sidgel, K. , Shrestha, S. , Gautam, K. , Luitel, N. , Raj Dotel, B. & Samuel, R.